This is a short 45 page prequel to [b:The Testing|13326831|The Testing (The Testing, #1)|Joelle Charbonneau||18534001]. It also includes the first three chapters of the book. Once again, I'm really not sure if this prequel would make me want to go out and purchase the book. The Testing Guide gives a basic backdrop to a world destroyed by war, earthquakes, and bad weather. Resources are limited. Graduates of school compete to get a place in the capital city for the Testing which upon successful completion ensures a spot in university. It kind of has The Hunger Games feel to it, but it's kind of early to make that assumption. As I received a copy of [b:The Testing|13326831|The Testing (The Testing, #1)|Joelle Charbonneau||18534001] for review, I think I will continue reading, just to satisfy my curiosity. [b:The Testing Guide|17697621|The Testing Guide|Joelle Charbonneau||24739232] is available for free download here.