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Reading is my addiction... I read paranormal romance, urban fantasy, science fiction and fantasy, young adult, romance and historical romance. I am part of the blogging team over at Badass Book Reviews: http://badassbookreviews.com 

Deadly Coast

Deadly Coast - R.E. McDermott Wow. Just wow. This book has everything - Somali pirates, Russian mercenaries, Islamic terrorists, old Japanese bio-warfare viruses, treasure, a multi-national team fighting piracy and so much more. What an excellent follow up to [b:Deadly Straits|12448077|Deadly Straits|R.E. McDermott|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1347601854s/12448077.jpg|17431151]. Full review to come.In the meantime, check out the author's webpage. for some interesting video about maritime piracy.