Fire was a quick read for me. Set in the Southern US on the eve of the zombie apocalypse, Fire follows a large cast of characters through the initial stages of a zombie causing contagion to the aftermath. I'm always amused by the amount of ammunition available to survivors of zombie apocalypses. There always seems to be a never ending supply of ammo. I liked that the author had a diverse cast of characters, from all walks of life. No one was safe from becoming zombie fodder, either. It amazes me which type of character rises to the top of the heap in these types of novels, too. I enjoyed the story, although I had a little difficulty understanding the origin of the zombie contagion. All of a sudden, people were getting ill and then becoming violent. They then bit another person who reanimated as a zombie. But - where did it come from? Why? Also - using nuclear weapons to get rid of zombies? That's a new one. So now I need to add a few other things to my zombie survival kit - an old car without any electronics, able to outlast an electro-magnetic pulse. All in all, a fun, if not gory, read. Recommended for zombie apocalypse lovers. Review posted on Badass Book Reviews.I won a copy of this book from the author through LibraryThing.