First off, I must say that I really did enjoy the first two books in this series – Strange Angels and Betrayals. I found that those two books had some original ideas, interesting characters, and really scary monsters. So it was with excitement that I dove into this third book of the Strange Angels series. I wanted to know what my favorite characters had been up to. Well, to say I was disappointed with this book would be an understatement. The book is a mess. It is confusing for the reader. I wasn’t sure what the time span was between the first book and this one. It seemed like a long time, but it could have been a week. That said, the book begins with Dru grieving for her father. There are a lot of flashbacks. There are a lot of characters, each identified by their ethnicity. Is there such a thing as a character dump? There were also a lot of creatures. It just felt like too much information at once. I felt like I needed a glossary to keep track of all the creatures, and maybe a recap of the characters. I must also say that I felt the need to read and re-read many chapters, just to get my bearings. I haven’t had that happen to me much. Just downright confusing.The most awesome aspect of this series for me has been the characters. I loved Dru in the first book; found her a little bit “damsel in distress” in the second book. In this book, she annoyed me with her little love triangle. A girl, a werewolf, a vampire – where have we seen that before? Christophe is noticeably absent. It’s a shame. He was one of the best characters in the series. Instead, we are treated to Dru’s treatment or rather, mistreatment of Graves. Graves is like the stand in boyfriend/bodyguard until Christophe appears. When Christophe appears, Graves mysteriously disappears.Nothing really seems to happen in this book, at least not until about a little more than halfway through the book. Then there is a great cat fight. But the book continues to be confusing. The ending did make me want to read the next installment – Defiance, but not right away. I’ll wait and see.