OK. If you like the Twilight Saga, you will probably like this book.The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella is a short book. 192 pages, double-spaced. It is a quick read. However, there are no chapter breaks, no breaks whatsoever. We know how the story ends. This book tells us how it began.Bree Tanner's story gives us insight as to what was happening in Seattle when Victoria and Riley were building their vampire army. Bree is one of the smarter "newborns" - she knows how to keep a low profile. She aligns herself with Diego, another "smart newborn." Early on in the story, Bree realizes that Riley is not telling her the truth.There are a few characters that are worthy of mention. I loved Fred. I loved his quirky power. And Diego, oh the possibilities. Seeing the Cullens from Bree's point of view was also interesting. I found that Bree was very perceptive. Anyway, if you like Twilight, you'll like this. If you plan on seeing Eclipse at the movies, this will probably be something to read before the movie.(Note - book is online until first week of July www.breetanner.com ).