This is a book that boys would like. My husband was intrigued by the cover and the inside cover made him laugh. The bad guys are deliciously evil and our hero Cadel is just as bad.Evil Genius is the story of Cadel Piggott. At a very young age, Cadel was able to hack into any computer system. He was an outsider, but studied human behavior and interactions. As a result, he developed a dating matchmaking site. He engineered the failure of his senior class at high school as well as the collapse of his school's sports facility.Cadel gets sent to the Axis Institute, the school of deception. There, he studies courses such as Accounting (Embezzlement), Media Studies (Misinformation), and Law (Loopholes) among others.The characters are eccentric. The book is action-packed. As I was reading it, I thought that it would make a great movie or TV series.