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Reading is my addiction... I read paranormal romance, urban fantasy, science fiction and fantasy, young adult, romance and historical romance. I am part of the blogging team over at Badass Book Reviews: http://badassbookreviews.com 

New Release Review: Dirty Magic

Dirty Magic - Jaye Wells

Dirty Magic is the first book in Jaye Wells' new urban fantasy series Prospero's War. Dirty Magic is a solid, action packed, magic infused thrill ride and a fantastic start to a new and original series. Dirty Magic is the story of Babylon Police Department's Officer Kate Prospero as she investigates some strange goings on in the Cauldron, a very seedy part of her city. This is an urban fantasy that reads like a crime procedural novel.


At first, I found the book bogged down with a lot of information. No detail is spared and it does slow down the narrative for a short time. Even though the details are fascinating, this may put off some readers - keep reading - it will be worth your time. This is an incredible world full of different kinds of magic and policing bodies for said magic, as well as some really interesting characters. Once I got through that first third of the book, I had difficulty putting the book down.


There's so much to like about this book. The world building is phenomenal, the plot is action packed and full of interesting twists. I loved Kate - what a tough cookie! I can't even begin to imagine how complex law enforcement could be in a world full of magic and corruption. The magic is really neat. Potions are the drug of choice and some of them are quite deadly.


Dirty Magic is a strong start to an exciting new urban fantasy series. I can't wait for the next book, Cursed Moon.


Thank you to NetGalley and Orbit for a review copy of this book

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/556422114